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What's Cookin?

Cookbooks on a shelf
Cookbooks on a shelf

Angela. Her energy is boundless. Her sense of enjoying life in the present is contagious. Her interests are delicious.

Food and cooking isn't just about what happen in the kitchen. Angela's life is full with family, friends, stories, and life - all of which make a shared table an experience more than a meal.

“I’m very much into cookbooks - so much that I had to put a stop to buying them and donate some. It was too many to keep at home! I read them like novels, front to back. I write in them, take notes for the next time I want to make something. Just before quarantine, a friend started a cookbook club. Like a book club, but instead of reading and talking; we each took a recipe from the same book and created a meal that we ate together. Hope we can do it again soon!" -Angela

Like many readers, Angela’s list of favorite books is long and varied. Here are a few of her favorite cookbooks.

I might try to start a food club with a few friends. I will let you know how it goes.

I picked these titles from Angela’s list for these reasons.

I did more cooking during the Covid #stayathome of 2020-2022 reason. I didn’t cook a lot but it’s a start. The Art of Eating In by Cathy Erway. Maybe it will become a habit, this idea of cooking.

Which points to The Art of Simple Food, since I realized trying to cook more, I like it to be simple, without a lot of fuss. Cooking in a small apartment kitchen leaves me very little space to stretch out.

I like the title Bravetart, by Stella Parks, and would like to understand baking more. And have a little fun doing it.

A Place at the Table by Peter Pringle, opens our eyes to food insecurity.

Angela’s Picks:

The Art of Simple Food, by Alice Waters

Bravetart, by Stella Parks – “one of my first stops for anything baking-related” - Angela

A Place at the Table: The Crisis of 49 Million Hungry Americans & How to Solve it, b Peter Pringle - “sometimes we need to read about why people don’t have food when there is plenty” Angela

The Art of Eating In, by Cathy Erway - “not sure I could do it! One year of not eating out…but ya know, the pandemic helped us try. She wrote this long before we were confined to our homes” Angela

You can find other Favorites and Finds as well as info about her consulting business at Angela’s website Favorite Daughter LLC.


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