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About and Dedication


So Many Books celebrates a love of stories, in all possible forms, spoken, written, and filmed.


The words. The art. The language. The dance of ideas mixed with imagination. Describing the possible. Speculating on the impossible. There is no limit to the imagination.


In the wide expanse of the universe, with so many unknowns, well, sometimes I feel so small. But with a book in hand, the universe is at my fingertips, all I have to do is open myself to the world of the story.


My own love affair with words started before I could talk. I listened to everything anyone would read to me, newspapers, children's books, even a cereal box.  I even thought I was writing when I scribbled with my crayons.


Share a story today, watch a movie, read a book, let your imagination soar.


-Hanna, founder and editor


Art by Keela Grimmette

Watercolor painting by Keela Grimmette, 5 books stacked next to a cup of coffee
Woman smiling, Dedication to Sharon

This website is dedicated to my dear friend Sharon.

Sharon shared my love of books and reading. Over time, we found out, almost by accident, that we were often reading the same books, at the same time. 


We read about life in our world. We travelled through time, to the stars, and beyond. From Star Wars to Rumi, Outlander to Solaris, no subject was off limits. Many a book inspired long conversations about science, life, and philosphy. 


I think of Sharon every time I finish a book and wonder what she would have thought about it. She was my biggest supporter to try my hand at this website.  


Taken from us all too soon Sharon lives on in our hearts and in the smiles of her children and grandchildren.


Sharon's memory is truly a blessing. She is deeply missed. 


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